After every batch of backups, Bacula runs the BackupCatalog job, which saves a backup of the backup database. This page gives a quick overview of how to recover the database from this backup, in the event the Director loses its database. It's not a full procedure, but it should be enough to point in the right direction.
To solve the chicken-and-egg problem of recovering a backup without a functioning bacula director, we need to use bextract to extract the database file. This is most easily done if you have the bootstrap file from the catalog backup; if the director's filesystem is still intact (other than the database being blown) you should find it in
Copy this file to, where the actual backup volumes for the pool used by this backup are stored.
On russell, run sudo bextract -b BackupCatalog.bsr DataCenter-1 /destination-directory
. "destination-directory" should have enough free space for the entire catalog database dump; at present this is about 10 GB.
You should end up with var/lib/bacula/bacula.sql under the destination directory. This is an ASCII SQL dump and will compress nearly 10:1, so it pays to compress it with gzip before moving it.
Now, move bacula.sql.gz to the director (lovelace, as things currently are set up.) Create a bacula user and database as described in the Bacula documentation, but don't initialize it yet. Now load the database dump using something like gunzip -c bacula.sql.gz | sudo -u bacula psql
You should now have a working bacula database again, and you can proceed to run restores as you normally would for any remaining computers that need recovering.
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