50 recent changes in Main Web retrieved at 08:57 (GMT)

Report for Bulk Register Registering AndreasBoschke You are already registered. You cannot register twice, the name 'AndreasBoschke' is already registered. Did ...
List of Foswiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by ...
FirstName LastName Email WikiName Password Andreas Boschke andreas #64;lsit.ucsb.edu AndreasBoschke Shaepho0 Kinji Leslie kinji #64;ucsb...
WebWork Students Caveats * Changing your email address in mid course will cause your homework to be split between two user IDs when you log in to webwork a...
Webwork administration Adding a new course Canvas 1 If you are copying an existing course, browse to that course on webwork.math.ucsb.edu and use the Hmwk Se...
Importing an archived WebWork course 1 Log into the Admin course on the Webwork server. 1 Click "Download/upload archived courses" 1 Click "Choose file,"...
color laser.math.ucsb.edu Xerox C310 macOS 1 Click the Apple menu and select "System Settings". 1 Scroll to the bottom of the list in the left column, an...
median.math.ucsb.edu HP LaserJet M605 Median is a midsize, black and white laser printer with a duplexer, suitable for small to medium sized print jobs. macOS (1...
List of Network Subnets (and other information) Wired VPN * Math Department Wired * WiFi cloud computing * 169.231....
Lab Workstation Setup macOS 1 If this is a new workstation, go to https://school.apple.com, search for it under "Devices" by serial number, and edit its manag...
macOS workstation deployment 1 If the machine is new, go to Apple School Manager, search for it by serial number in the Devices section, and assign it to the M...
Equipment disposal Non inventorial Smaller non inventorial items can be dropped off at the e waste pickup area, down by the elevators on the first floor of South...
%IF{"(NOT defined GROUP) OR $GROUP = ''" then=' How to add the first administrator If you haven\'t previously set up an administrator, follow these steps: (Note:...
Bacula Setup for Roaming Clients Note: This works for on campus clients without fixed addresses ethernet DHCP or WiFi. It does not work well for remote clients....
After every batch of backups, Bacula runs the BackupCatalog job, which saves a backup of the backup database. This page gives a quick overview of how to recover t...
This is a domain member server that serves home directors for Macs and Windows machines in the computer lab. Students can request accounts in order to have their ...
Rancher Rancher is the cloud VM platform used by LSIT. Access is controlled by NetID login contact LSIT support to be added. Math's namespaces are "math" and "m...
Welcome to the UCSB Mathematics Department Intranet This site has valuable information for staff, students, and faculty in the UCSB Mathematics Department. Contri...
Software License Information Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Creative Cloud Licenses are available for faculty and staff contact sysadmin #64;ucsb.edu. ArcGIS There a...
Canon iR ADV 6980 Setup USB printing Save your document as a PDF file on a MS DOS FAT formatted USB stick. (On macOS you can get an MS DOS format stick by erasin...
WidgetsMathDesign Create your own Foswiki WidgetDesign by attaching your Moveable Type CSS and images (and a copy of base weblog.css) to your copy of the WidgetSa...
Copier2.math.ucsb.edu * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = AdminGroup
Copier1.math.ucsb.edu * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = AdminGroup
LiuZenbook.math.ucsb.edu Additional information Inventorial * Serial: S4N0CV04814915A * Purchase date: 7/2/2024 * Set ALLOWTOPICVIEW = AdminGroup
color laser.math.ucsb.edu Xerox Phaser 6510DN macOS 13.x "Ventura" 1 Click the Apple menu and select "System Settings". 1 Scroll to the bottom of the lis...
Department Printer Setup Instructions This page has information on setting up the printers in the department copy room, South Hall 6631. Canon iR ADV 6980 copier...
Personal Home Pages Prerequisites: * You'll need an account on web.math.ucsb.edu. This is created separately from your usual UCSB NetID account, and has its o...
Mu.math.ucsb.edu Additional information Inventorial * Purchase date: 10/7/2015 Administration * SSH with the math.pem key. * The machine can also be a...
Copier left.math.ucsb.edu Additional information Inventorial * Serial: 3UE01153 * Asset tag: 20248000189 * Purchase date: 3/13/2024 Printing setup See...
Fourier 1.math.ucsb.edu Fourier 1 is a NAT gateway for the subnet. This subnet contains devices that we do not allow unfettered access from the In...
copier1.math.ucsb.edu copier2.math.ucsb.edu Ricoh MP 7503 copier1 and copier2 are large, high speed printer/copiers with duplexers and staplers. They are suitab...
Heaviside.math.ucsb.edu Additional information Inventorial * Serial: 3NXR5P1 * Purchase date: 11/29/2010 Administration * SSH with the math.pem key, u...
Department Event Calendar Our event calendar is hosted on Google Apps. Here's how to use it. Calendar Viewers If you want to view the calendar on your own Googl...
GradeScope (abbreviated GRS) GRS is a useful tool for instructors to manage and grade student work. This page will cover information that's particularly useful fo...
Canvas * Manually adding a user to a Canvas course * For information on setting up Webwork assignments in Canvas, see the WebWork page.
Remote Resources This page indexes guides and resources for remote teaching and collaboration. Everyone in the math department is encouraged to contribute! Class...
Munki Pushing packages by CPU Arch Note: Most software is now available as universal binaries that work for either architecture. When possible, pushing one univer...
Mac Software Management (WIP) Munki Overview Munki is a software deployment system for macOS that uses what could be termed a "thin server" approach. There is n...
"Invalid Authenticity Token" Zendesk error The "invalid authenticity token" error happens due to your browser blocking third party cookies. You can fix it by allo...
Russell array.math.ucsb.edu Additional information Inventorial * Serial: 40415670600074 * Purchase date: 2/9/2018 Notes This is a NAS array, firewalled b...
SitePreferences %MAKETEXT{ "Foswiki's default preferences are located in _1 , however settings defined here have override priority and should be used for lo...
Useful GauchoSpace links GauchoSpace is maintained by UCSB Collaborate, not by the Math Department, and inquiries not related to WebWork should go to them. Howeve...
Installing Rosetta with Munki Currently Rosetta is installed along with munkireport. The pkginfo snippet is as follows: postinstall_script #!/bin/sh # Munkireport...
Network Manager WiFi Setup These authentication settings work to set up eduroam on most Linux distributions, although the means of configuring these settings vari...
UCSB Mathematics Grad Lab Location South Hall 4617 (4th floor, near the stairs.) A key is needed to enter. Features * 3 Windows workstations * Webcam (...
Lab Infrastructure Authentication Grad Lab and Math Lab workstations use Active Directory authentication. There are two Samba domain controllers, turing 1.math.u...
Active Directory infrastructure General notes * Two domain controllers turing 1.math.ucsb.edu ( and turing 2.math.ucsb.edu ( ...
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